
Playful facilitation of disability inclusion

Disability inclusion should not be a heavy topic and a burden, but energizing and a great thing to do. With that thought, SeeYou developed the Inclusion Game.

We started with developing our first game; for the health sector and used and tested it in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rwanda and Vietnam. Based on the enthusiasm of the local facilitators in these countries we decided to make the game available to all practitioners working in this field - and started developing new games for other contexts.


The purpose of the game is to get an understanding of barriers that people with a disability are facing in their daily lives. You are playing with a team and are confronted with different challenges. For each challenge you have to find a short term solution that can be applied immediately and a long term sustainable solution.

For whom?
The games are co-created by our experts and disability inclusion advisors. It is used to facilitate engaging discussions and make organisations aware of the barriers that persons with disabilities are facing when they are accessing their services.

Do you need help in facilitating these discussions, or want to take more structural action towards disability inclusion? See here how SeeYou can assist in this.


Our games


Experiences with the Inclusion Game


“ The inclusion game promotes discussion and reflection”

- a Disability Inclusion advisor -


“ I would love to see new versions of the game for Inclusive education, Humanitarian aid, Inclusive governance....”

- NGO worker -


Introducing the Inclusion Game to colleagues of Plan International Jordan, IMC, IRC and AMC. All appreciated the game and intend to disseminate the game to staff of their health centers in Syrian Refugee camps


How was your experience?

We encourage all of you to share your experiences in our Facebook group: we love to see pictures and video’s of you and your team.
You can also post a picture and a description of the solutions you came up with.

Our Story

Inclusiongame.org and its games are developed by SeeYou Foundation and And The People.

See here for more information